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Image and video hosting by TinyPic" " Mega Music available in - Intelsat 17 66deg East - 3845/V - SR27692 - 7/8 " Image and video hosting by TinyPic" " vasantham Tv available in - Intelsat 12 45deg East - 11632/V - SR27689 - 5/6 " Image and video hosting by TinyPic " PEPPERS TV available in - Intelsat 10 (68.5 degree East) - 4090/H - SR14368 - 3/4 " Image and video hosting by TinyPic " Tamil Oli,has started FTA on Eurobird 9A (9 degree East): 11843, Vertical, SR 27500 and fec 3/4. " Image and video hosting by TinyPic " NETHRA TV available in Intelsat 12 (45 degree East) - 11632/V - SR27689 - 5/6" Image and video hosting by TinyPic"" SS TV INDIA - Availble in Intelsat 17 (66 degree East)- 4015/V,SR30000-3/4 " Image and video hosting by TinyPic" DAN TAMIL OLI - Availble in ST 1 (88 degree East)- 3431/V,SR1600-7/8 " Image and video hosting by TinyPic" KALAIGNAR AYNGARAN - Availble in Eurobird 9A (9 degree East)- 11938/V,SR27500-3/4 " Image and video hosting by TinyPic" Vendhar TV channel started on INTELSAT17@66.E - TP.3845 SR.27692 PO.V MPEG4 FTA NOW "

Monday, 21 April 2014

Talk to your smart phone to unlock car!

What about giving a voice command to your smart phone to post Selfies, play songs or even unlock your car!
Four students from University of Pennsylvania have developed a technology called GoogolPlex that allows users to get more from Apple's iPhone by simply talking to it.

The technology uses Apple's voice-sensitive personal assistant called Siri to make it capable of playing specific songs, taking photos and even adjusting lights in your house.

"Imagine being able to unlock your car through Siri. With GoogolPlex, these are now possible,” the researchers were quoted as saying on www.betterthansiri.com.

Till date, most people use Siri to set reminders or find destinations on a map.

The technology uses a clever linguistic trick, servers and third party apps to enable users.

The students are now working to make it possible for anyone to build their own commands using GoogolPlex.

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