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Satellite Tracking Updates & DTH Information

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic" " Mega Music available in - Intelsat 17 66deg East - 3845/V - SR27692 - 7/8 " Image and video hosting by TinyPic" " vasantham Tv available in - Intelsat 12 45deg East - 11632/V - SR27689 - 5/6 " Image and video hosting by TinyPic " PEPPERS TV available in - Intelsat 10 (68.5 degree East) - 4090/H - SR14368 - 3/4 " Image and video hosting by TinyPic " Tamil Oli,has started FTA on Eurobird 9A (9 degree East): 11843, Vertical, SR 27500 and fec 3/4. " Image and video hosting by TinyPic " NETHRA TV available in Intelsat 12 (45 degree East) - 11632/V - SR27689 - 5/6" Image and video hosting by TinyPic"" SS TV INDIA - Availble in Intelsat 17 (66 degree East)- 4015/V,SR30000-3/4 " Image and video hosting by TinyPic" DAN TAMIL OLI - Availble in ST 1 (88 degree East)- 3431/V,SR1600-7/8 " Image and video hosting by TinyPic" KALAIGNAR AYNGARAN - Availble in Eurobird 9A (9 degree East)- 11938/V,SR27500-3/4 " Image and video hosting by TinyPic" Vendhar TV channel started on INTELSAT17@66.E - TP.3845 SR.27692 PO.V MPEG4 FTA NOW "

Friday, 18 April 2014

EUTELSAT 3B will be launched in April 2014

Eutelsat has selected Astrium to build a tri-band satellite, called EUTELSAT 3B, to increase and diversify resources for markets in Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia and South America.
With up to 51 transponders, the EUTELSAT 3B satellite will operate in C, Ku and Ka-bands.
EUTELSAT 3B will be launched in April 2014.

To complement Eutelsat’s capacity portfolio and geographic reach, the EUTELSAT 3B satellite will add resources in three frequency bands connected to fixed and steerable antennas for maximum flexibility. With a single platform assembling Ku, C and Ka transponders, users will be able to select the most relevant frequency band for different types of service.
Ku and C-band capacity will further consolidate Eutelsat’s response to broadcast and data markets.
High throughput beams in the Ka-band, that will be individually steerable to regional and national markets and operated with scalable allocation of power and spectrum, will support innovative applications in bandwidth-demanding markets.
The EUTELSAT 3B satellite will be based on the Astrium Eurostar 3000 platform allocationon of power and spectrum, will in
addition support innovative aapplications in bandwidth-de mandinng markets.The EUTELSAT 3B saatellite will be based on the Astriuum Eurostar 3000 platform.
Weighing 6 tonnes at launch, the satellite will be designed with 15 year life exepectancy.

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