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Image and video hosting by TinyPic" " Mega Music available in - Intelsat 17 66deg East - 3845/V - SR27692 - 7/8 " Image and video hosting by TinyPic" " vasantham Tv available in - Intelsat 12 45deg East - 11632/V - SR27689 - 5/6 " Image and video hosting by TinyPic " PEPPERS TV available in - Intelsat 10 (68.5 degree East) - 4090/H - SR14368 - 3/4 " Image and video hosting by TinyPic " Tamil Oli,has started FTA on Eurobird 9A (9 degree East): 11843, Vertical, SR 27500 and fec 3/4. " Image and video hosting by TinyPic " NETHRA TV available in Intelsat 12 (45 degree East) - 11632/V - SR27689 - 5/6" Image and video hosting by TinyPic"" SS TV INDIA - Availble in Intelsat 17 (66 degree East)- 4015/V,SR30000-3/4 " Image and video hosting by TinyPic" DAN TAMIL OLI - Availble in ST 1 (88 degree East)- 3431/V,SR1600-7/8 " Image and video hosting by TinyPic" KALAIGNAR AYNGARAN - Availble in Eurobird 9A (9 degree East)- 11938/V,SR27500-3/4 " Image and video hosting by TinyPic" Vendhar TV channel started on INTELSAT17@66.E - TP.3845 SR.27692 PO.V MPEG4 FTA NOW "

Monday, 14 April 2014

Pepsi IPL 2014 announces global broadcast partners

As the Indian Premier League explores new avenues this season by making a debut in the UAE, the coverage of the tournament will be bigger and wider than ever before. The Pepsi IPL 2014 will reach a worldwide audience over television, internet and mobile devices through some of the best broadcasters of the respective regions.

Looking at the television broadcast space; Pepsi IPL 2014 will be available on

 IMG in the Caribbean,
 PCCW in Hong Kong, 
OSN Network in the Middle East,
 StarHub in Singapore,
 SuperSport in Sub-Saharan Africa,
 Set Max and Sony Six in India, 
Geo Super in Pakistan, 
Maasaranga TV in Bangladesh, 
Carlton Sports Network in Sri Lanka,
 ITV Networks in UK, 
Sportsnet in Canada Rogers, 
Willow TV international in US
 Sky NZ in New Zealand, 
Measat (Astro) in Malaysia
EMTV in Papua New Guinea.

With the Pepsi IPL 2014 also reaching out to the world on the internet, the list of operators who will be partnering with IPL for the same are: GoCricket.com & Starsports.com in India; willow.tv in US; Rogers in Canada; OSN for Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Gaza Strip, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, West Bank, Yemen; TBC in Pakistan; for rest of the world GoCricket.com and www.youtube.com/gocricket.

As for mobile streaming, in India StarSports.com & nexGTV/GoCricket (apps) will be providing all the action from the field. And for outside India youtube.com/gocricket and GoCricket apps will be the destination to catch the live action.

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